About us
Our Church
Hello! We are Covenant Baptist Church, and we want you to know just how much God loves you! We aren't perfect by any means, not even close, but we would love to help you meaningfully connect with God and his Son, Jesus Christ, and know His love and the care of his people.
Our Mission
We exist to passionately love God and personally invest in people's lives for the glory of Jesus Christ (Mark 12:28-31).
Our Vision
We long to see all the people in our community living with hope, peace and purpose by meaningfully connecting with the people, power and love of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Christopher Deas
our pastor
Several years ago I sensed God’s leading to return home to the United States. I was living as a missionary in Strasbourg, France, with my wife, Sandy, and three kids Andrew, Sarah and Callie. Most of the time life was good, and we had made good French friends, yet it seemed clear the time had come to leave Strasbourg to pastor a church in the States. But… not any church. I wanted the right church, a church passionate about Jesus and the Bible, but ready to laugh and enjoy each other; interested in the world beyond Ohio, yet engaged in its very own community; lovers of God, committed to truth, yet willing to accept people from any background with any baggage. Neither Covenant Baptist Church nor I is perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but this is what we strive to be, people who passionately love God and personally invest in people, all kinds of people. We are a very diverse family following as closely as we can one Lord, Jesus Christ, as He leads us to become more like Him and love others like He does. I found the right church for me. Perhaps Covenant’s the right church for you, too.