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CJ Deas

Tales for 2020: The Crucial Question

When a man proposes to a woman, his question comes with a lot of commitment. In these parables, Jesus explains that His invitation to us also comes with commitment. It is a total commitment that affects everything else including our relationships with others, our things, and ourselves.

CJ Deas

Tales for 2020: Love for the Long Haul

Many people do not have a problem believing in heaven or hell. Our problem is that we think there is no hurry to do anything about it. We need to live as though Jesus will return very soon. So, we should fulfill our responsibilities for ourselves and for the work God has for us now. This begins with day-to-day long-term discipleship.

CJ Deas

Tales for 2020: Rights and Rewards

We all want fairness. If someone else gets a good deal, for example a special grant to pay-off student loans, we think we should get that too. But God views fairness differently than we do. The parable of the laborers in the vineyard shows us that while everyone has the privilege and responsibility to partner in God's work, the blessings and benefits we receive are based on God's generosity and goodness, not our labors.

CJ Deas

Tales for 2020: Taking Responsibility

The parable of the ten virgins makes us feel uneasy. While the Bible talks a lot about God's love and grace, it also gives us warnings to be prepared for His coming. We shouldn't presume that we are 'in the kingdom' by association. We need to take personal responsibility for our relationship with Christ.

CJ Deas

Tales for 2020: Come to the Banquet

Do you ever feel like you don't measure up with the people around you? One purpose of the parable about the banquet invitations (Luke 14:15-24) is to show that the criteria we use to evaluate our relative worthiness don't apply. Everyone is invited to attend the banquet - we just need to respond.

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